Free Septic System Inspection ($99 Value)
Free enzyme treatment, Financing Available
The key to maintaining your system's smooth operation is regular maintenance. Despite the fact that septic systems are designed to last between 20 and 30 years, neglecting routine maintenance could cause your septic and drain field systems to begin to deteriorate much earlier, necessitating costly repairs or replacements much earlier in the system's lifespan. You can potentially save thousands of dollars in replacement costs by performing routine maintenance and inspections, which will help you identify issues early on in their development and enable you to report them to a septic company before they result in a system failure. Here are some tips on how to upkeep your septic tank.
Your septic tank's balance of healthy bacteria can be disrupted by sulfates, chemicals, and cleaners. If absolutely necessary, dilute any of these substances as much as possible before flushing or rinsing them down the drain. A septic system additive may be necessary to help maintain the healthy balance of bacteria in your tank and allow wastewater to properly filter through your drain field and back into the ground if you run a business that frequently uses harsh products. However, even if you feel like you need additives, try using septic-friendly ones or do your best to use substitutes that won’t harm the bacteria in your septic tank.
Every three to five years, the average home will need septic tank pumping in Mableton. Sludge could leak into the drain field and the septic tank could become overloaded with solids if it wasn't regularly pumped. To maintain a clean system, the effluent from the drain field needs to be free of these solids. For further assistance with septic tank pumping, call Septic Blue.
You should never use a garbage disposal if you have a septic system. Up to 50% more solids can be added to your septic tank by using a garbage disposal. The most important thing to keep in mind is that garbage disposals are not like garbage cans; therefore, whenever in doubt, throw them out.
Be cautious when it comes to grease. Your septic tank's natural balance of healthy bacteria, which it needs to break down solids and waste, can be disrupted by grease, which can thicken the water and kill the healthy bacteria. The improper handling of cooking waste is one of the main factors that contribute to the buildup of grease in your tank. Make sure any extra grease doesn't go down the drain when you're done cooking your dish. Not only is grease bad for your septic tank, but it can also build up in your pipes over time and make the waterways that carry wastewater to your tank narrow. Most backups in septic systems are brought on by grease buildup, and high-pressure jetting is required to clear them.
Water can frequently enter your septic system through ports and lids that are not properly sealed. Your septic system may become overloaded and the drain field oversaturated if water gets into these cracks and crevices. With pressure-type systems, this frequently presents a greater challenge. It causes pumps to run continuously, putting too much strain on the pump and wasting money and energy.
Follow these tips for a healthy and smooth-running septic system. Contact Septic Blue, your trusted septic company, for any questions or concerns about your septic system.
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